付録A Canned Hosting Sites

These are all the credible, well-established canned hosting sites that I know about as of early 2013. As noted in 「ツールが一通り揃ったホスティングサイト」, each site imposes its own particular restrictions in exchange for the convenience of hosting your open source project's collaboration infrastructure: each one supports only particular version control systems, bug trackers, etc. Again, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open_source_software_hosting_facilities has a good comparison of canned hosting sites.

This is not a complete list (the Wikipedia page above comes closer). Instead, this appendix describes the canned hosting sites that I see being used most often by open source projects. I include both proprietary sites, i.e., sites for which the source code behind the service is proprietary, and open source ones, i.e., those for which full source code is available under a free license. In both cases the services themselves are zero-cost to open source projects; however, the open source sites enable others to replicate the service on their own servers (though in practice it would take some effort to do so).

In general, new open source projects should choose one of the sites below, unless they have some special reason to use a different site (e.g., Debian GNU/Linux projects might prefer alioth.debian.org, and Free Software Foundation projects might choose savannah.gnu.org).

GitHub — http://github.com/

TBD (mention the interesting visibility-not-oss-per-se requirement of github)

Google Code Hosting — http://code.google.com/hosting/


SourceForge — http://sourceforge.net/


Launchpad.net — https://launchpad.net/


Gitorious — http://gitorious.org/


fooo — http://fooo.com/


fooo — http://fooo.com/